dr rexella van impe degree

All of their programs not only have regional accreditation, they hold programmatically as well.I respect your effort to flush out these fakes..they should be exposed. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/22/us/jack-van-impe-dead.html Late in life, he had his doctoral hoods taken apart and turned into a large patchwork quilt! Faking a degree is the same as lying…… Which is not how a Christian minister is supposed to operate. His dead best friend did. But once again, a Dmin and a Phd have two different purposes. The media never had anything bad to report concerning their character. They give out DOCTORATE degrees for only two years of working remotely. Most colleges and seminaries are private institutions, not state schools. Later I completed a MA and am current completing a MDiv at Liberty. The author of this article is more than likely a leftist religious bigot with problems with people of faith (namely those who done pray or vote the way he would like). Only conspiracy theorists stand a chance. The enemy of our souls will exploit our love for this world to change doctrines. Thanks so much. Also note that even if the school was well recognized a D.Min does not qualify him as a prophecy expert. I had listened to his broadcast for 20+ years. Got money? What show was it? Toby, ORU is not exactly recognized as a rigorous school and surely they wouldn’t deny credits from another prosperty preaching school that has given so many fake doctorate degrees to students who once went to ORU. Who cares if they have a degree or not, I don’t listen to them anyway, anymore I should say. All these televanglists are a bunch of C*nts – Dr. ? Dear Dr. Van Impe, Today I finished Revelation Revealed. A full bio and listing of his edication can be found on his ministry’s website, “Torah Unleashed“. Why not just use the degree as a knowledge base and get a real one in the process if you feel you need one to preach the Gospel? They still remain unaccredited by any recognized institution. Kinda sickens me that they lie like that. She was previously married to Jack Van Impe. if any bar at all. “Earned” B.A. If you attend a theological school that teaches a specific theology then it’s a junk partisan school and you should transfer to a real school. But one for his seminary did have the title up in big letters. You also won’t find a list of their professors or single piece of academic work that came from the institution, its faculty (if they have faculty) or its graduates. (. We can all access Strong’s Concordance (for free) on the good ol’ Internet … that’s how I found you sir, and I am right glad that I did. Kirk Cameron is reported to be Jack Van Impe’s replacement in the fall and maybe just maybe Bristol Palin will replace Rexella. She is an actress and writer, known for Jack Van Impe Presents (1994), The Mark of the Beast (1997) and Revelation (1999). (. I have no problem with people using their knowledge, whether from a real school or from personal study, to enrich the lives of other or to preach the gospel. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve gotten that response from the KJVO people. That doesn’t mean I am ignorant, because I know the founding fathers were smarter than me…but I recognize and honor greatness. Anyone who can preach alongside Jessee Duplantis and appear on the Jim Bakker Show and not recognize them as being biblically illiterate and frauds has a major problem in discernment. Second, he didn’t go to a fake school or purposely try to deceive people into believing he was more educated than he really was, in order to collect more money or to have a higher status. In seminary we also had a reading a requirement. (. But often they are also given simply as a means to use someone for PR. I had listened to his broadcast for 20+ years. Dr. Jack Van Impe and Rexella lived their lives above reproach. She is also known for America’s Future (2002), Day Eight: Planet Earth Forever and The Mark of the Beast. I did a web search for ‘Dr. That’s a problem, folks. Rexella Van Impe is a talented musician and a critical part of the TV and teaching ministries. I get that having a “fake” degree is wrong for the purposes these people use them, but also knowledge is knowledge, and even those who attend programs that are not accredited or no formal schooling at all who may have a broader knowledge base in spiritual matters and the scripture. (, FICU is not only unaccredited but somehow Jakes did 12 years worth of higher education in less then 5 years there. We have two local pastors who claim to have accredited Ph;D’s. “Wait, you mean I actually have do work and learn stuff? latestplasticsurgery.com/rexella-van-impe-plastic-surgery-photos It was really powerful. Drs. Who would rationally follow a god like that? I agree with Chuck, a simple interlinear is useful even for those who don’t know Greek or Hebrew. But I’m changing my ways. I am a Christian counselor in my church and I will help as needed no price, only help, and when I cannot help I will find a faith based counselor that has a better view of client in which I am dealing. I know thAt he must be one of the most Happiest and Jubilant people walking on the street of gold right now. It’s sad when you think about all the good work they could be doing with their message rather than trying to convince people of some make-believe plot to altar the Bible. He is best known for his television series Jack Van Impe Presents, an eschatological commentary on the news of the week through an interpretation of the Bible. How are these ministers being liars or doing something wrong when their degree is legitimate in the eyes of the state government? Notable Alumni (Benny Hynn, Ken and Gloria Copeland, and some lesser known preachers). Almost as impressive as your ability to go this long in ministry without reporting any of your financials to any organization besides the IRS. Fake degrees from LCU and honorary degrees from ORU. Hey I’m just a regular guy who has had a stroke but can really see through the deceitment of these so called “DR’s. Not surprising. The only thing perhaps more pathetic than unearned degrees from unaccredited schools is someone that lists they have a “B.A., MBA, and PhD.” from a school that doesn’t even exist. I think people are being accreditation snobs looking down their nose at fellow believers. Apparently Van Impe has been warming up to Rome for at least 2 decades. His intelligence on Bible scripture memory goes unmatched. agree…all they do is discredit all of Christianity…making followers of Christ appear to be ignorant and hate filled zealots,giving those opposed to Christ lots of ammunition in the process. Jack Van Impe and his wife Rexella Impe have appeared on TV for many years (good). It would hardly pass for high school quality work. I think you’re correct Ed. Not only is this unfathomable but the education she did do is straight up deceitful! Any mistakes can be reported to me through the comments. Sadly, your credentials are straight made up. Before I begin,.ley me set the record straight,..I like 'Dr.' I have an earned doctorate. To the school’s credit they were an accredited institution in 1960, after bought by Tyndale. Furthermore, this “news” outlet has a well known bias towards Christianity and Republican politics…. ), Master of English, University of Dallas – literature and rhetoric (I assume this is legit), Master of Liberal Arts, Southern Methodist University – history, philosophy, and literature (Seems legit. He preaches his (and others) dreams, visions and (false) “words from the Lord.” That’s not how a preacher of the gospel is to deliver the word of God…from scripture ALONE. §94897. For now Perry is in the safe zone but if he starts using Dr. again he might need to be placed on the naughty list. I DID study Koine Greek (only one quarter semester…financial restraints) at the Pastor’s Graduate School of Theology … an off-campus venue. John MacArthur’ and most pages did not carry the doctor. I hold four graduate degrees form Liberty, and I can tell you that Liberty’s seminary is extremely difficult. Then coupled with the 2nd, taking God’s (and what God represents) name in vain, simple tests needing to be passed? No one said you needed a degree… just that having fake ones is deceptive. Rexella Van Impe was born on November 29, 1932 in Missouri, USA as Rexella Shelton. There’s no new revelation coming forth from God. About VTN VTN is a 3 station television network based in Arkansas with shows that minister to the entire body of Christ. Your assertion that “Now we have the Department of Education telling believers what’s a legitimate biblical education.” is so far from the truth that you should be embarrassed. Why would any legitimate preacher need to fake doctorate? Also, the tone I took in this piece is anything but politically correct. Uhhhh, have you read Jude lately? “Earned” Doctor of Ministry from Western Baptist Theological Seminary, now called Western Seminary. Hello. Can God still use them? I know I was. Jack Van Impe and Rexella purchased their doctorates from Pacific International University, but it looks like the degree mill has taken down their website. I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make but when the Bible was written doctorate degrees didn’t exist. They are, most times judge, jury, executioner… sole head of every governing body and financial oversight groups for their flock. But we still became ministry friends as Dr. Van Impe donated tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of literature to GRM for nearly 25 years. Are they legit? Sometimes it’s I think it’s too snarky for its own good. He might have been the only smart on this list by quitting the fake degree track after just a 4-year degree. (, Honorary Doctorate from Liberty University. Worry about your own salvation! Some feel that if she had undergone the knife, it defeats all the evangelistic efforts she demonstrated on television. She is named after father Rex Shelton. “The author of this article is more than likely a leftist religious bigot with problems with people of faith”. It’s too broad of a degree to be a real expert in anything. It’s not a matter of “anointing” it’s a matter of deception. It seems that you don’t understand what accreditation is used for and why it exists. That is a confusing note from Denis’ bio. In fact, they were some of the first students. Do you have the Christ in your soul, mind and heart ? I am not sure that matters, though. Nothing is wrong with these real Bible centered schools simply because they don’t have the seal of approval from one of the accreditation cabals. He still holds a fake PhD. Good work Ohio. What’s shameful is not the ministers who hold a degree from an unaccredited school authorized to issue degrees, but the scandalous gossip taking place on this blog against fellow believers. “G.A. Jack Van Impe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I feel very very bad for them because they don't' appear to understand that it's a diploma mill. So they can be a theologian themselves…. I just happened to click on your list and I want to correct your comments regarding Hal Lindsey co-authoring the Left Behind Series. Lastly, he’s been dead a while and this list was primarily for the living with the exception of the guy who died after it was written. John Hagee’s diploma from “Assemblies of God University” probably needs more research and clarification. I understand that getting a “fake” degree would simply require just paying money. Buying fake degrees so they can pretend to be educated. I could open a school teaching people that the world is being ran by hybrid human/lizard race and still get an accreditation. Maybe. Jack Van Impe and his wife Rexella Impe have appeared on TV for many years (good). The reason why accreditation matters is because it sets certain standards. Dr. Van Impe and wife Rexella analyze recent news events in light of Biblical teachings. Following an exhaustive six-year, word-for-word collation (comparison) of the Holy Bible (King James Version of A.D. 1611) with the NIV and NASB, together with review of other modern versions, and extensive research into the original languages, Dr. Riplinger published one of the most extensively documented and illuminating works ever brought forth in the 20th Century, entitled “New Age Bible Versions.”, A lot of these preachers use those fake degrees so the IRS won’t bother them. Failure to do so makes one complicit with their wrong. However, Van Impe and the gang all graduated in the early 50’s. Liberty University is a level 4 SACS accredited school. Since it seems that Rexella has pretty much no notability outside her husband's TV show, can we merge these two articles? Here is the thing Kenny, if you have your education listed on your facebook and it’s nowhere near a doctorate degree, then how can you go around claiming to be a doctor? In the case of Vince, I had a program at the time that filtered the website for language. I assume you never attended an accredited seminary or Bible college or else you would know that they are far from liberal. The thrust of the worldwide TV ministry was about using an eschatological lens to interpret the times. I was saddened for Rexella and the entire Jack Van Impe crew when I heard about Dr. Jack Van Impe’s passing. In fact, they were some of the first students. My brother (now deceased) knew Hagee at SBI. I am offended by anybody who has an unearned doctorate, even if it is from an accredited university. from Friends International Christian University(FICU). Meaning they have no standards for education. When we housed a missionary warehouse, we provided free gospel literature for hundreds of missionaries — Plus sending boxes of books and Bibles to third-world pastors and leaders until postage … Believe it or not but many preachers do actually have doctorates. I totally understand your point of view. And no I don’t care how you vote or practice your faith. So Perry hasn’t shoved that title into the back of a drawer somewhere. And trust me, there is no comparison. Then, get rejected on basic academic grounds because of some ‘conspiracy’ by Federal and National/international institutions? They are also independently owned which makes the monopoly claim just silly. Thanks! No such institution. Once a school adds that type of technology to their University their quality and subsequent respect by donors, potential professors, potential students and the community goes up several notches. Have you ever read the “about the author” sections on her book? My bother did his at U of H in 2 years and 2 months. “Golden State University”. How how would you possibly know if I or anyone else has witnessed or participated a rising of the dead? He searches for signs, miracles, experiences, omens, patterns, codes, repetitions, etc., that others haven’t recognized, then preaches it as truth. It’s faith because we believe despite not having a complete knowledge of all things. A Phd in anything Bible related shows that you are an expert in that field. Jack Van Impe Ministries uses the following to express its mission statement: To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 15:3,4), the message of His soon return (Titus 2:13), and the truth of the Bible (II Timothy 3:16) to all peoples in all nations (Acts 1:8) using all available resources to bring Him honor and glory (Colossians 1:18). This Ludwig Otto character also seems to have a host of deceptive degree listings and his website bios are absolutely outlandish. Which is irrelevant since it’s a diploma mill. They are designed for completely different purposes. They laugh all the way to the bank with peoples money. Valid? Perry Stone has not published his educational credentials very often. Can it be said that knowledge is knowledge no matter where you get it? Honorary Doctorate from Oral Roberts University. (, The University of West Georgia seems to currently be accredited by two agencies. I updated the article to reflect this today. One Gospel says that Peter remembered the word (Logos) that Jesus spoke, and the other says that Peter remembered the word (Rhema) that Jesus spoke. The agency is not an accrediting agency, and its primary purpose is to prevent fraudulent diploma mills. Those who DID earn a degree usually did so from a fake school. As for Chuck he hasn’t decided his future with JVIM. And my daughter, who God called to be a prophetic evangelist, was told to go overseas and get hers. Jerry Jenkins is the co-author. Just like the pharisee’s of old who loved to strut around in fancy garments, making long prayers and being in cohorts with the Roman government…so too do these long for the admiration of peers, and important position and rank. If the will of God is to be done on Earth and the Kingdom is to come, then, plainly, what you are doing is achieving that, in no small “degree”. UPDATE: Due to high demand I have created a canonical list of pastors and teachers with fake educations. (, Midwestern Baptist College is NOT the same as the Theological Seminary, with the same name, and is completely 100% unaccredited. Rhema (ῥῆμα) also is a bit more nuanced. None of them require any doctoral research or a dissertation. 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(. DJ Clayworth 7 July 2005 17:42 (UTC) I agree, this article should be merged with Jack_Van_Impe. I am assuming that means he does not want anyone to know or that it’s a flat lie. Chick and his minions have ruined the witness thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Christians by making them believe that their mission is to KJVO the world. LCU’s credits are transferable to ORU and other places like Andersonville Theological Seminary and many others. I have heard Rod Parsley introducing his guest on his program as “Dr.” Perry Stone and Perry didn’t correct him…he accepted the title. Good catch on the doctor matter. Due to her most recognised role as a Televangelist, such speculations only fuel debate among netizens. Dr….jerry o lee They provide PhD level degrees to students with no prior education and will do so in 1/4 of the time it would for anyone else actually doing school work. My reply? in 1964. I wonder how relevant any of the rankings are when you consider the scandal at UNC Chapel Hill? Instead of condemning them you should look at yourself! ), Universal Council for Online Education Accreditation (UCOEA), World Association for Online Education (WAOE)**, World Association of Universities and Colleges (WAUC), World Online Education Accrediting Commission (WOEAC), World-Wide Accreditation Commission of Christian Educational Institutions (WWAC). Yup, along with several other guilty pleasures, I have an affinity for watching the Evangelical world's finest theoligian, the one the only Jack Van Impe! John Hagee is the undisputed champion of education among the televangelists. Lol! Most of these schools are legal entities, (last time I checked) we have what’s called a separation of church and state in this country. They hand those out like water in the desert, to anyone famous that they can. Of what ? The place was packed. with Rexella Van Impe for a Christmas special! Because learning things is now worldly lol. However, this is another well known diploma mill. Yet, the whole point of this discussion is that there are so many out there claiming fake degrees. $1 for 6 months. * Computer Industry Pioneer & Multi-millionaire (I could not find what he actually pioneered but it looks like it was in the 60’s. Jack Van Impe Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses Jack Van Impe is an American televangelist who has a net worth of $2.5 million. http://www.ministers-best-friend.com/FREE-Ordination-and-Honorary-Degrees-Masters-and-Doctorate-by-Newtonstein.html. It seems as though every television preacher has a “Dr.” fixed to their names. Praying God says you go get your doctorate too, because in my mind I equate it with new power. There are a number of instances of opinions in the Bible that are clearly of the author only and a number of discrepancies that cannot be harmonized. Televangelists who put Dr. before their names yet have no actual education do it for only one reason… to seem legit and educated so people will buy into whatever they are selling. I have heard it said that God wouldn’t have let them rise so high in popularity unless he was with them. That region of the country does not have a lot of colleges to begin with. Also, preaching the gospel and professing to be expert Bible teachers are two different things. I have close friends connected and ordained by these folks. Here is the problem. Pray for me. With no doubt, you need to add David Jeremiah to your list. One, anyone is free to accept or not whatever is said or claimed, equally. So God didn’t call his dad to preach. Creflo Dollar is not even trying to be sneaky. I had listened to his broadcast for 20+ years. The school had no class rooms and only did correspondence courses from a single building by unknown professors. It is clear that this “thesis” is just the unpolished ramblings of a man who want’s a fake PhD. I used to listen to Perry and thought he was so wise. And why are they different, or what is the difference? I’m very disappointed you didn’t choose to edit Vince (sewer mouth) as you stated you would do. But fake schools are still fake schools. I goofed on that organization. In fact, it’s down right snarky and aggressive. According to Wikipedia, Dr Riplinger uses her initials to stand for “God and Riplinger”: “Each discovery was not the result of effort on my part, but of the direct hand of God — so much so that I hesitated to even put my name on the book. Jack and Rexella Van Impe together have formed an amazing and dynamic Global Ministry. (. Some families have even relocated to Ohio so their children can participate in activities under his leadership. They also had a high school at the time. Would you like to go to a medical doctor with only an honorary degree? Most of these charlatans could be exposed for hypocrisy by a nine year old. Accreditation in this country only started because a bunch of schools got together to make a trade pack. 1) To become a better minister while furthering your education and 2) to get a cheap and easy “Dr.” affixed to your title and an accompanying pay bump. It applied for multiple accredidations and they were all denied. Liberty has really improved in the last decade. That is why the title is primarily used on his education websites and videos. Here is the run-down. Necromancy, which God forbids. Thus, accreditation sets a bar for academic studies. About Dr. Jack Van Impe Drs. In the usual course of the 30-minute program the televangelist’s wife and co-host, Dr. Rexella Van Impe, would read particular news headlines and Van Impe would then give an interpretation of their significance by using the Bible.

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